Dr. Rafael MedinA-Flores Dr. Rafael  MedinA-Flores

pathology. Male

Dr. Rafael MedinA-Flores is an pathology specialist in Marshfield, Wisconsin (WI). He specializes in Pathology.

Marshfield Clinic Inc
701 W Kalsched st
Marshfield, WI 54449

General Information

Board certificationPathology
EducationGraduated : 1994
School : Other
Group AffiliationsMarshfield Clinic Inc
Hospital AffiliationsMarshfield Medical Center
Mile Bluff Medical Center
Reedsburg Area Medical Center


  • 1000 N Oak Ave
    Marshfield, WI 54449
    (715) 387-5511
  • 1000 N Oak Ave
    Marshfield, WI 54449
    (715) 389-0616
  • 1000 Starr Ave
    Eau Claire, WI 54703
    (715) 387-5211
  • 220 24th S st
    Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494
    (715) 424-8600
  • 4100 State Hwy 66
    Stevens Point, WI 54482
    (715) 343-7700
  • 701 W Kalsched st
    Marshfield, WI 54449
    (715) 387-5511

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