Dr. James P Russell, MD Dr. James P Russell, MD

dermatology. Male

Dr. James P Russell, MD is an dermatology specialist in Brookfield, Wisconsin (WI). He graduated from Medical College Of Wisconsin in 2001 and specializes in dermatology.

Affiliated Dermatologists sc
13800 W N Ave, Suite 100
Brookfield, WI 53005

General Information

Board certificationDermatology
EducationGraduated : 2001
School : Medical College Of Wisconsin
Group AffiliationsAffiliated Dermatologists sc
Hospital AffiliationsFroedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital


  • 1155 N Mayfair Rd 2nd Floor
    Milwaukee, WI 53226
    (414) 955-4263
  • 13800 W N Ave, Suite 100
    Brookfield, WI 53005
    (262) 754-4488

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