Dr. Neil N Saldua Dr. Neil N Saldua

orthopedic surgery. Male

Dr. Neil N Saldua is an orthopedic surgery specialist in Vancouver, Washington (WA). He specializes in Orthopedic Surgery.

The Vancouver Clinic Inc ps
700 Ne 87 Ave, The Vancouver Clinic
Vancouver, WA 98664

General Information

Board certificationOrthopedic Surgery
EducationGraduated : 2002
School : Other
Group AffiliationsThe Vancouver Clinic Inc ps
Hospital AffiliationsPeacehealth Southwest Medical Center
Legacy Salmon Creek Hospital


  • 2525 Ne 139 st, The Vancouver Clinic
    Vancouver, WA 98686
    (360) 882-2778
  • 700 Ne 87 Ave, The Vancouver Clinic
    Vancouver, WA 98664
    (360) 882-2778

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