Dr. Gretchen E James, PA Dr. Gretchen E James, PA

physician assistant. Female

Dr. Gretchen E James, PA is an physician assistant specialist in Spokane, Washington (WA). She specializes in Physician Assistant.

General Information

Board certificationPhysician Assistant
EducationGraduated : 2001
School : Other
Group AffiliationsProvidence Health And Services Washington
Hospital AffiliationsProvidence Sacred Heart Medical Center
Providence Holy Family Hospital
Providence Mount Carmel Hospital


  • 122 W 7th Ave, Suite 450
    Spokane, WA 99204
    (509) 455-8820
  • 212 E Central Ave, Suite 240
    Spokane, WA 99208
    (509) 482-2025
  • 825 Se Bishop Blvd, Suite 140
    Pullman, WA 99163
    (509) 336-7357

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