Dr. Leland Teng, MD Dr. Leland  Teng, MD

general practice. Male

Dr. Leland Teng, MD is an general practice specialist in Seattle, Washington (WA). He graduated from University Of Texas Southwestern Medical School At Dallas in 1983 and specializes in general practice.

Virginia Mason Medical Center
4575 Sandpoint Way ne
Seattle, WA 98105

General Information

Board certificationGeneral Practice
EducationGraduated : 1983
School : University Of Texas Southwestern Medical School At Dallas
Group AffiliationsVirginia Mason Medical Center
Hospital AffiliationsVirginia Mason Medical Center


  • 100 Ne Gillman Blvd
    Issaquah, WA 98027
    (425) 557-8000
  • 100 Ne Gilman Blvd, Virginia Mason Issaquah
    Issaquah, WA 98027
    (425) 557-8000
  • 11800 Ne 128th st, Suite 300
    Kirkland, WA 98034
    (425) 814-5100
  • 1344 Wintergreen Ln ne
    Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
    (206) 842-5632
  • 222 112th Ave ne
    Bellevue, WA 98004
    (425) 637-1855
  • 2671 Ne 46th st
    Seattle, WA 98105
    (206) 525-8000
  • 33501 1st Way S
    Federal Way, WA 98003
    (253) 838-2400
  • 380 Winslow Way E, Virginia Mason Winslow
    Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
    (206) 842-5632
  • 4575 Sand Point Way ne, 108 Virginia Mason Sand Point
    Seattle, WA 98105
    (206) 525-8000
  • 4575 Sandpoint Way ne
    Seattle, WA 98105
    (206) 525-8000

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