Jovita C Dsouza Jovita C Dsouza

nurse practitioner. Female

Jovita C Dsouza is an nurse practitioner specialist in Mill Creek, Washington (WA). She specializes in Nurse Practitioner.

King County Public Hospital District No 2
4220 132nd St se, Suite 103
Mill Creek, WA 98012

General Information

Board certificationNurse Practitioner
EducationGraduated : 2016
School : Other
Group AffiliationsKing County Public Hospital District No 2
Hospital AffiliationsEvergreen Health Monroe
Evergreen Hospital Medical Center


  • 14841 179th Ave se
    Monroe, WA 98272
  • 1909 214th St se, Suite 110
    Bothell, WA 98021
    (425) 488-4988
  • 4220 132nd St se, Suite 103
    Mill Creek, WA 98012

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