Dr. Lee H Ridenour Dr. Lee H Ridenour

internal medicine. Male

Dr. Lee H Ridenour is an internal medicine specialist in Mineola, Texas (TX). He graduated from University Of Texas Medical Branch At Galveston in 1978 and specializes in internal medicine.

Trinity Clinic
1302 N Pacific st, Christus Trinity Clinic
Mineola, TX 75773

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1978
School : University Of Texas Medical Branch At Galveston
Group AffiliationsTrinity Clinic
Hospital AffiliationsMother Frances Hospital
Christus Mother Frances HospitaL- Jacksonville


  • 105 -Ii Medical Plz, Christus Trinity Clinic
    Sulphur Springs, TX 75482
    (903) 885-5439
  • 115 Airport rd
    Sulphur Springs, TX 75482
    (903) 885-7671
  • 1302 N Pacific st, Christus Trinity Clinic
    Mineola, TX 75773
    (903) 569-5383
  • 18780 Interstate 20
    Canton, TX 75103
    (903) 567-4841
  • 2026 S Jackson st, Christus Trinity Clinic
    Jacksonville, TX 75766
    (903) 541-4613
  • 3201 S Loop, 256 Christus Trinity Clinic
    Palestine, TX 75801
    (903) 723-2311
  • 511 N High st, Christus Trinity Clinic
    Henderson, TX 75652
    (903) 657-7583
  • 520 Douglas Blvd
    Tyler, TX 75702
    (903) 593-1721
  • 5321 S fm, 14 Christus Trinity Clinic
    Holly Lake Ranch, TX 75765
    (903) 769-2990
  • 620 S Fleishel Ave, Christus Trinity Clinic
    Tyler, TX 75701
    (903) 510-8888
  • 630 S Fleishel Ave, Christus Trinity Clinic
    Tyler, TX 75701
    (903) 510-8888
  • 719 W Coke rd, Christus Trinity Clinic
    Winnsboro, TX 75494
    (903) 342-5227
  • 800 E Dawson st, Christus Trinity Clinic
    Tyler, TX 75701
    (903) 510-1186

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