Dr. Anthony S Anderson, PA Dr. Anthony S Anderson, PA

physician assistant. Male

Dr. Anthony S Anderson, PA is an physician assistant specialist in Lindale, Texas (TX). He specializes in Physician Assistant.

Trinity Clinic
3203 S Main st, Christus Trinity Clinic
Lindale, TX 75771

General Information

Board certificationPhysician Assistant
EducationGraduated : 1997
School : Other
Group AffiliationsTrinity Clinic
Hospital AffiliationsMother Frances Hospital


  • 1327 Troup Hwy
    Tyler, TX 75701
    (903) 510-8764
  • 1505 State Hwy 19 S, Christus Trinity Clinic
    Athens, TX 75751
    (903) 675-1725
  • 18780 Interstate 20
    Canton, TX 75103
    (903) 567-4841
  • 3203 S Main st, Christus Trinity Clinic
    Lindale, TX 75771
    (903) 266-4000
  • 620 S Fleishel Ave, Christus Trinity Clinic
    Tyler, TX 75701
    (903) 510-8888
  • 630 S Fleishel Ave, Christus Trinity Clinic
    Tyler, TX 75701
    (903) 510-8888
  • 800 E Dawson st, Christus Trinity Clinic
    Tyler, TX 75701
    (903) 510-1186
  • 910 E Houston st
    Tyler, TX 75702

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