Dr. Abenaa M Brewster Dr. Abenaa M Brewster

hematology/oncology. Female

Dr. Abenaa M Brewster is an hematology/oncology specialist in Houston, Texas (TX). She graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1995 and specializes in hematology/oncology.

Physicians Referral Service
6655 Travis st, Suite 650
Houston, TX 77030

General Information

Board certificationHematology/oncology
EducationGraduated : 1995
School : Harvard Medical School
Group AffiliationsPhysicians Referral Service
Hospital AffiliationsThe University Of Texas M.d. Anderson Cancer Center


  • 1515 Holcombe Blvd
    Houston, TX 77030
    (713) 792-2121
  • 1515 Holcombe Blvd Clinical Lab, Suite 73
    Houston, TX 77030
    (713) 792-6313
  • 1515 Holcombe Blvd Dept Of Pathol
    Houston, TX 77030
    (713) 792-6127
  • 1515 Holcombe Blvd Hemopathology, Suite 72
    Houston, TX 77030
    (713) 794-5446
  • 6655 Travis st, Suite 650
    Houston, TX 77030
    (713) 563-2772

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