Dr. Nadia Takieddine Dr. Nadia  Takieddine

internal medicine. Female

Dr. Nadia Takieddine is an internal medicine specialist in Grand Prairie, Texas (TX). She specializes in Internal Medicine.

5224 S State Hwy 360, Methodist Family Health Center Lake Prairie
Grand Prairie, TX 75052

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1992
School : Other
Group AffiliationsMedhealth
Hospital AffiliationsMethodist Richardson Medical Center


  • 2805 E President George Bush Hwy
    Richardson, TX 75082
  • 2831 E President George Bush Hwy, Methodist Richardson Inpatient Associates
    Richardson, TX 75082
    (972) 498-4826
  • 4116 S Carrier Pkwy, 250 Methodist Family Health Center South
    Grand Prairie, TX 75052
    (972) 263-5272
  • 5224 S State Hwy 360, Methodist Family Health Center Lake Prairie
    Grand Prairie, TX 75052
    (972) 522-0691

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