Dr. Richard Strax, MD Dr. Richard  Strax, MD

diagnostic radiology. Male

Dr. Richard Strax, MD is an diagnostic radiology specialist in Friendswood, Texas (TX). He graduated from New York University School Of Medicine in 1976 and specializes in diagnostic radiology.

Singleton Associates pa
8780 Hwy 6 B, Mh Conv Care Sienna Plantation
Friendswood, TX 77549

General Information

Board certificationDiagnostic Radiology
EducationGraduated : 1976
School : New York University School Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsSingleton Associates pa
Hospital AffiliationsMatagorda Regional Medical Center


  • 1115 Ave G
    Bay City, TX 77414
    (979) 245-6661
  • 8780 Hwy 6 B, Mh Conv Care Sienna Plantation
    Friendswood, TX 77549
    (281) 778-1802

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