Dr. Zahid Masood Vahora Dr. Zahid Masood Vahora

gastroenterology. Male

Dr. Zahid Masood Vahora is an gastroenterology specialist in Dallas, Texas (TX). He specializes in Gastroenterology.

1411 N Beckley Ave Pav Iii, 268 Methodist Transplant Specialists
Dallas, TX 75203

General Information

Board certificationGastroenterology
EducationGraduated : 2009
School : Other
Group AffiliationsMedhealth
Hospital AffiliationsMethodist Dallas Medical Center
Methodist Richardson Medical Center


  • 1411 N Beckley Ave Pav Iii, 268 Methodist Transplant Specialists
    Dallas, TX 75203
    (214) 947-4400
  • 2821 E President George Bush Freeway, 304 Methodist Transplant Specialists
    Richardson, TX 75082
    (214) 377-9232

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