Dr. Sima Y Desai Dr. Sima Y Desai

physical medicine and rehabilitation. Female

Dr. Sima Y Desai is an physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist in Colleyville, Texas (TX). She specializes in Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation.

Healthtexas Provider Network
5408 Colleyville Blvd
Colleyville, TX 76034

General Information

Board certificationPhysical Medicine And Rehabilitation
EducationGraduated : 2010
School : Other
Group AffiliationsHealthtexas Provider Network
Hospital AffiliationsBaylor University Medical Center
Baylor Scott & White Medical Center Grapevine
Baylor Scott And White Medical Center Centennial


  • 4001 Worth st
    Dallas, TX 75246
    (214) 828-1745
  • 4001 Worth st, Suite A
    Dallas, TX 75246
    (214) 820-8665
  • 4716 Alliance Blvd, Suite 340 Pavillion ii
    Plano, TX 75078
    (469) 800-6100
  • 5408 Colleyville Blvd
    Colleyville, TX 76034
    (817) 498-9920
  • 8080 N Central Expy, Suite 600 Lb82
    Dallas, TX 75206
    (972) 860-8648
  • 821 N Coleman st, Suite 100
    Prosper, TX 75078
    (469) 800-5200

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