Susan Hobbs Susan  Hobbs

nurse practitioner. Female

Susan Hobbs is an nurse practitioner specialist in Bedford, Texas (TX). She specializes in Nurse Practitioner.

Texas Health Physicians Group
1600 Hospital Pkwy
Bedford, TX 76022

General Information

Board certificationNurse Practitioner
EducationGraduated : 2014
School : Other
Group AffiliationsTexas Health Physicians Group
Hospital AffiliationsTexas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Fort Worth


  • 1301 Pennsylvania Ave
    Fort Worth, TX 76104
    (817) 820-4906
  • 1325 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 890
    Fort Worth, TX 76104
    (817) 250-4280
  • 1600 Hospital Pkwy
    Bedford, TX 76022
    (817) 684-2708
  • 9229 Lbj Fwy
    Dallas, TX 75243
    (214) 570-2319
  • 9229 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy
    Dallas, TX 75243

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