Dr. Mumnoon Haider Dr. Mumnoon  Haider

nephrology, Internal Medicine. Male

Dr. Mumnoon Haider is an nephrology specialist in Austin, Texas (TX). He specializes in Nephrology.

The Austin Diagnostic Clinic Pllc
12221 N Mopac Expressway
Austin, TX 78758

General Information

Board certificationNephrology
Internal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 2001
School : Other
Group AffiliationsThe Austin Diagnostic Clinic Pllc
Hospital AffiliationsNorth Austin Medical Center
St David's Medical Center
Round Rock Medical Center
Seton Medical Center Williamson


  • 12221 N Mo Pac Expy, Department Of Laboratory Services
    Austin, TX 78758
    (512) 901-1111
  • 12221 N Mopac Expressway
    Austin, TX 78758
    (512) 901-4009

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