Dr. Wesam A. Bolkhir Dr. Wesam A. Bolkhir

internal medicine. Male

Dr. Wesam A. Bolkhir is an internal medicine specialist in Powell, Tennessee (TN). He specializes in Internal Medicine.

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 2003
School : Other
Group AffiliationsFarragut Inpatient Services Pllc
Hospital AffiliationsDearborn County Hospital
Lourdes Hospital
Physicians Regional Medical Center
Heartland Regional Medical Center


  • 1530 Lone Oak rd
    Paducah, KY 42003
    (270) 444-2444
  • 3333 W Deyoung st
    Marion, IL 62959
    (618) 998-7020
  • 600 Wilson Creek rd, Highpoint Health
    Lawrenceburg, IN 47025
    (812) 537-1010
  • 7565 Dannaher dr
    Powell, TN 37849
    (865) 859-8000
  • 9 Linville dr
    Paris, KY 40361
    (859) 987-3600

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