Dr. Mary E Clinton, MD Dr. Mary E Clinton, MD

neurology. Female

Dr. Mary E Clinton, MD is an neurology specialist in Nashville, Tennessee (TN). She graduated from University Of Southern California School Of Medicine in 1976 and specializes in neurology.

General Information

Board certificationNeurology
EducationGraduated : 1976
School : University Of Southern California School Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsSkyline Neuroscience Associates Llc
Hospital AffiliationsTristar Skyline Medical Center
Tristar Hendersonville Medical Center
Tristar Horizon Medical Center
Tennova HealthcarE-Clarksville
Jennie Stuart Medical Center


  • 111 Hwy 70 E
    Dickson, TN 37055
    (615) 823-5800
  • 111 Hwy 70 E, Ste. Mh2 229
    Dickson, TN 37055
    (615) 860-1040
  • 2300 Patterson st
    Nashville, TN 37203
    (615) 342-1000
  • 3441 Dickerson Pike
    Nashville, TN 37207
    (615) 769-2000
  • 3443 Dickerson Pike, Suite 580
    Nashville, TN 37207
    (615) 860-1040
  • 355 New Shackle Island rd
    Hendersonville, TN 37075
    (615) 823-5800

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