Dr. Jeffrey C Webber, MD Dr. Jeffrey C Webber, MD

internal medicine. Male

Dr. Jeffrey C Webber, MD is an internal medicine specialist in Dickson, Tennessee (TN). He graduated from Cornell University Medical College in 1989 and specializes in internal medicine.

Centennial Heart Llc
111 Hwy 70 E
Dickson, TN 37055

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1989
School : Cornell University Medical College
Group AffiliationsCentennial Heart Llc
Hospital AffiliationsTristar Centennial Medical Center
Stones River Hospital
Dekalb Community Hospital
Unity Medical Center
Williamson Medical Center


  • 111 Hwy 70 E
    Dickson, TN 37055
    (615) 446-4633
  • 2300 Patterson st
    Nashville, TN 37203
    (615) 222-2100
  • 2400 Patterson st, Suite 502
    Nashville, TN 37203
    (615) 515-2100
  • 302 N Congress Blvd
    Smithville, TN 37166
    (615) 515-1900
  • 370 Doolittle rd
    Woodbury, TN 37190
    (615) 515-1900

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