Dr. Heather Marguerite Rietz Dr. Heather Marguerite Rietz

pathology. Female

Dr. Heather Marguerite Rietz is an pathology specialist in Brentwood, Tennessee (TN). She graduated from Vanderbilt University School Of Medicine in 1994 and specializes in pathology.

Associated Pathologists Llc
5301 Virginia Way, Suite 300
Brentwood, TN 37027

General Information

Board certificationPathology
EducationGraduated : 1994
School : Vanderbilt University School Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsAssociated Pathologists Llc
Hospital AffiliationsTristar Centennial Medical Center
Hamilton Medical Center
Sumner Regional Medical Center
Baptist Memorial Hospital Huntingdon
Methodist Healthcare Memphis Hospitals


  • 320 W 18th st
    Hopkinsville, KY 42240
    (270) 887-0100
  • 5301 Virginia Way, Suite 300
    Brentwood, TN 37027
    (615) 221-4400
  • 658 Grassmere Park
    Nashville, TN 37211
    (615) 221-4400

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