Dr. John Edward Fassler Dr. John Edward Fassler

nephrology. Male

Dr. John Edward Fassler is an nephrology specialist in Rock Hill, South Carolina (SC). He graduated from Ohio State University College Of Medicine in 1991 and specializes in nephrology.

Nephrology Associates pa
1436 Riverchase Blvd
Rock Hill, SC 29732

General Information

Board certificationNephrology
EducationGraduated : 1991
School : Ohio State University College Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsNephrology Associates pa
Hospital AffiliationsPiedmont Medical Center
Springs Memorial Hospital
Carolinas Medical CenteR-Pineville


  • 10628 Park rd, Carolinas Medical Center Pineville
    Charlotte, NC 28210
    (803) 329-2636
  • 1436 Riverchase Blvd
    Rock Hill, SC 29732
    (803) 329-2636

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