Dr. James O Stumpff Dr. James O Stumpff

emergency medicine. Male

Dr. James O Stumpff is an emergency medicine specialist in Anderson, South Carolina (SC). He graduated from Medical College Of Georgia in 1999 and specializes in emergency medicine.

Anmed Health
2000 E Greenville st
Anderson, SC 29621

General Information

Board certificationEmergency Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1999
School : Medical College Of Georgia
Group AffiliationsAnmed Health
Hospital AffiliationsAnmed Health


  • 2000 E Greenville st
    Anderson, SC 29621
    (864) 512-2830
  • 21 S Shirley Ave
    Honea Path, SC 29654
    (864) 369-0552
  • 800 N Fant st
    Anderson, SC 29621
    (864) 512-2830

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