Dr. Eileen Diaz Cabrera, MD Dr. Eileen  Diaz Cabrera, MD

general practice. Female

Dr. Eileen Diaz Cabrera, MD is an general practice specialist in Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico (PR). She specializes in General Practice.

H-16 Ave Aa Urb Cuidad Universita
Trujillo Alto, PR 00976

General Information

Board certificationGeneral Practice
EducationGraduated : 2003
School : Other


  • 33 Calle Munoz Rivera
    Juncos, PR 00777
    (787) 713-6741
  • H-16 Ave Aa Urb Cuidad Universita
    Trujillo Alto, PR 00976
    (787) 755-5515

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