Dr. Fernando Luis Villamil, MD Dr. Fernando Luis Villamil, MD

orthopedic surgery. Male

Dr. Fernando Luis Villamil, MD is an orthopedic surgery specialist in San Juan, Puerto Rico (PR). He specializes in Orthopedic Surgery.

1372 Ave Ashford
San Juan, PR 00907

General Information

Board certificationOrthopedic Surgery
EducationGraduated : 2001
School : Other
Hospital AffiliationsPresbyterian Community Hosp
Bristow Medical Center
Northeastern Health System


  • 1372 Ave Ashford
    San Juan, PR 00907
    (787) 977-7402
  • 1809 E 13th st, Suite 100
    Tulsa, OK 74104
    (918) 582-6800

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