Dr. Cid S Quintana Rodriguez Dr. Cid S Quintana Rodriguez

cardiac surgery, Thoracic Surgery. Male

Dr. Cid S Quintana Rodriguez is an cardiac surgery specialist in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico (PR). He graduated from University Of Puerto Rico School Of Medicine in 1985 and specializes in cardiac surgery, thoracic surgery.

Centro Cardiovascular De Puerto Rico Del Caribe, Suite 7
Rio Piedras, PR 00936

General Information

Board certificationCardiac Surgery
Thoracic Surgery
EducationGraduated : 1985
School : University Of Puerto Rico School Of Medicine
Hospital AffiliationsCentro Cardiovascular


  • Centro Cardiovascular De Puerto Rico Del Caribe, Suite 7
    Rio Piedras, PR 00936
    (787) 281-0122

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