Dr. Lynette Rios Rodriguez Dr. Lynette  Rios Rodriguez

physical therapy. Female

Dr. Lynette Rios Rodriguez is an physical therapy specialist in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico (PR). She graduated from University Of Puerto Rico School Of Medicine in 2001 and specializes in physical therapy.

Precision Hearing Center Inc
Calle Garcia De La Naceda A, 6 Villas De Rio Grande
Rio Grande, PR 00745

General Information

Board certificationPhysical Therapy
EducationGraduated : 2001
School : University Of Puerto Rico School Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsPrecision Hearing Center Inc


  • 4 ES-12 Villa Fontana
    Carolina, PR 00983
    (787) 276-7006
  • Calle Garcia De La Naceda A, 6 Villas De Rio Grande
    Rio Grande, PR 00745
    (787) 809-4322

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