Dr. Lesa A Thomas, MD Dr. Lesa A Thomas, MD

nephrology, Internal Medicine. Female

Dr. Lesa A Thomas, MD is an nephrology specialist in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico (PR). She specializes in Nephrology.

Pr Renal Health And Research Inc.
349 Ave Hostos, Suite 201
Mayaguez, PR 00680

General Information

Board certificationNephrology
Internal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1988
School : Other
Group AffiliationsPr Renal Health And Research Inc.
Hospital AffiliationsHospital De La Concepcion
Mayaguez Medical Center
Hospital Metropolitano San German
Hospital Metropavia Dr Yauco
Bella Vista Hospital


  • 349 Ave Hostos, Suite 201
    Mayaguez, PR 00680
    (787) 710-2532
  • Carr 128 Km 1.0
    Yauco, PR 00698
    (787) 237-3438

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