Dr. Hashem Younes Dr. Hashem  Younes

internal medicine, Hematology/oncology. Male

Dr. Hashem Younes is an internal medicine specialist in Monroeville, Pennsylvania (PA). He specializes in Internal Medicine.

Allegheny Clinic Medical Oncology
2580 Haymaker rd, Suite 404
Monroeville, PA 15146

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 2001
School : Other
Group AffiliationsAllegheny Clinic Medical Oncology
Hospital AffiliationsSharon Regional Health System
West Penn Hospital
Upmc Presbyterian Shadyside
Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center
Allegheny General Hospital


  • 1020 Franklin st
    Johnstown, PA 15905
    (814) 534-9132
  • 2320 Highland rd
    Hermitage, PA 16148
    (724) 983-5900
  • 2580 Haymaker rd, Suite 404
    Monroeville, PA 15146
    (412) 373-4411
  • 3124 Wilmington rd, Suite 203
    New Castle, PA 16105
    (724) 657-6833
  • 4815 Liberty Ave, Suite 340
    Pittsburgh, PA 15224
    (412) 681-4401

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