Dr. Robert L Lapidus, MD Dr. Robert L Lapidus, MD

diagnostic radiology. Male

Dr. Robert L Lapidus, MD is an diagnostic radiology specialist in Lewisberry, Pennsylvania (PA). He graduated from Johns Hopkins University School Of Medicine in 1991 and specializes in diagnostic radiology.

General Information

Board certificationDiagnostic Radiology
EducationGraduated : 1991
School : Johns Hopkins University School Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsQuantum Imaging And Therapeutic Associates Inc
Hospital AffiliationsPinnacle Health Hospitals
Easton Hospital
Evangelical Community Hospital
Hanover Hospital
Carlisle Regional Medical Center


  • 10583 Ne 104th Cir
    Oxford, FL 34484
  • 3707 Burnt Pine dr
    Jacksonville, FL 32224
  • 503 N 21st st
    Camp Hill, PA 17011
    (717) 972-4448
  • 629 Lowther Rd D
    Lewisberry, PA 17339
    (717) 932-5200
  • 845 United Nations Plaza, 47d
    New York, NY 10017
    (570) 214-9907
  • Po Box, Suite 1257
    Hannibal, MO 63401
    (573) 248-5460

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