Dr. Sarah L Tonna, PT Dr. Sarah L Tonna, PT

physical therapy. Female

Dr. Sarah L Tonna, PT is an physical therapy specialist in Prineville, Oregon (OR). She specializes in Physical Therapy.

General Information

Board certificationPhysical Therapy
EducationGraduated : 2002
School : Other
Group AffiliationsRebound Physical Therapy Limited Partnership


  • 1160 Sw Simpson Ave, Suite 200
    Bend, OR 97702
    (541) 332-9045
  • 1303 Ne Cushing dr, Suite 150
    Bend, OR 97701
    (541) 382-7875
  • 1590 Ne 3rd st, Suite 2
    Prineville, OR 97754
    (541) 416-7476
  • 1717 Ne 2nd st
    Redmond, OR 97756
    (541) 504-2350
  • 2700 Ne 4th st, Suite 105
    Bend, OR 97701
    (541) 323-5864
  • 56870 Venture ln, Suite 103s
    Sunriver, OR 97707
    (541) 585-3148

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