Dr. Meghan C Romba Dr. Meghan C Romba

neurology. Female

Dr. Meghan C Romba is an neurology specialist in Portland, Oregon (OR). She graduated from University Of Illinois At Chicago Health Science Center in 2012 and specializes in neurology.

Providence Health And Services Oregon
5050 Ne Hoyt st, 315 Prov Neurol Spec Eas
Portland, OR 97213

General Information

Board certificationNeurology
EducationGraduated : 2012
School : University Of Illinois At Chicago Health Science Center
Group AffiliationsProvidence Health And Services Oregon
Hospital AffiliationsProvidence St Vincent Medical Center
Providence Portland Medical Center
Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center


  • 5050 Ne Hoyt st, 315 Prov Neurol Spec Eas
    Portland, OR 97213
    (503) 215-8580
  • 9135 Sw Barnes rd, Suite 461
    Portland, OR 97225
    (503) 216-1150

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