Dr. Sarah Rahkola Dr. Sarah  Rahkola

internal medicine. Female

Dr. Sarah Rahkola is an internal medicine specialist in Newberg, Oregon (OR). She graduated from Oregon Health Sciences University School Of Medicine in 2005 and specializes in internal medicine.

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 2005
School : Oregon Health Sciences University School Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsProvidence Health And Services Oregon
Hospital AffiliationsProvidence Newberg Medical Center
Providence Portland Medical Center


  • 1001 Providence dr
    Newberg, OR 97132
    (503) 537-5962
  • 1003 Providence dr, Suite 210
    Newberg, OR 97132
    (503) 537-5900
  • 10150 Se 32nd Ave
    Milwaukie, OR 97222
    (503) 513-8336
  • 5050 Ne Hoyt, 454 Providence Med Group
    Portland, OR 97213
    (503) 215-6405
  • 5050 Ne Hoyt st
    Portland, OR 97213

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