Dr. Rosemary O Chiedozi Dr. Rosemary O Chiedozi

family medicine. Female

Dr. Rosemary O Chiedozi is an family medicine specialist in Grants Pass, Oregon (OR). She specializes in Family Medicine.

Asante Physician Partners
625 Sw Ramsey Ave, Suite A
Grants Pass, OR 97527

General Information

Board certificationFamily Medicine
EducationGraduated : 2007
School : Other
Group AffiliationsAsante Physician Partners
Hospital AffiliationsAsante Rogue Regional Medical Center
Asante Three Rivers Medical Center
Providence Medford Medical Center


  • 49 Talent Ave
    Talent, OR 97540
    (541) 201-4900
  • 625 Sw Ramsey Ave, Suite A
    Grants Pass, OR 97527
    (541) 507-2290
  • 691 Murphy rd
    Medford, OR 97504

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