Dr. KaR-Ming A Fung, MD Dr. KaR-Ming A Fung, MD

pathology. Male

Dr. KaR-Ming A Fung, MD is an pathology specialist in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (OK). He specializes in Pathology.

General Information

Board certificationPathology
EducationGraduated : 1988
School : Other
Group AffiliationsBoard Of Regents Of The University Of Oklahoma - Ou Physicians
Hospital AffiliationsOu Medical Center


  • 700 Ne 13th st, Trauma Center
    Oklahoma City, OK 73104
    (405) 271-5477
  • 800 Ne 10th st
    Oklahoma City, OK 73104
    (405) 271-7770
  • 825 Ne 10th st
    Oklahoma City, OK 73104
    (405) 271-4864

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