Dr. Meghan J Mcgovern Dr. Meghan J Mcgovern

physician assistant. Female

Dr. Meghan J Mcgovern is an physician assistant specialist in Newark, Ohio (OH). She specializes in Physician Assistant.

General Information

Board certificationPhysician Assistant
EducationGraduated : 2016
School : Other
Group AffiliationsLicking Memorial Professional Corporation
Hospital AffiliationsLicking Memorial Hospital


  • 120 Mcmillen dr
    Newark, OH 43055
    (220) 564-4806
  • 1320 W Main st
    Newark, OH 43055
  • 14 Westgate dr
    Newark, OH 43055
    (220) 564-7510
  • 36 Mcmillen dr
    Newark, OH 43055
    (220) 564-4270
  • 88 Mcmillen dr
    Newark, OH 43055
    (220) 564-4270

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