Dr. Anthony David D'amico Dr. Anthony David D'amico

physician assistant. Male

Dr. Anthony David D'amico is an physician assistant specialist in Newark, Ohio (OH). He specializes in Physician Assistant.

General Information

Board certificationPhysician Assistant
EducationGraduated : 2015
School : Other
Group AffiliationsLicking Memorial Professional Corporation
Hospital AffiliationsLicking Memorial Hospital


  • 120 Mcmillen dr
    Newark, OH 43055
    (220) 564-4806
  • 1320 W Main st
    Newark, OH 43055
  • 1717 W Main st, Suite 201
    Newark, OH 43055
    (220) 564-2900
  • 36 Mcmillen dr
    Newark, OH 43055
    (220) 564-4270
  • 88 Mcmillen dr
    Newark, OH 43055
    (220) 564-4270

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