Dr. Leopoldo A Alvarado, MD Dr. Leopoldo A Alvarado, MD

general surgery. Male

Dr. Leopoldo A Alvarado, MD is an general surgery specialist in Mayfield Hts, Ohio (OH). He specializes in General Surgery.

Cleveland Clinic Health System - East Region
6801 Mayfield rd, Suite 250
Mayfield Hts, OH 44124

General Information

Board certificationGeneral Surgery
EducationGraduated : 1969
School : Other
Group AffiliationsCleveland Clinic Health System - East Region
Hospital AffiliationsHillcrest Hospital
Uh Regional Hospitals
South Pointe Hospital
Cleveland Clinic


  • 29000 Ctr Ridge rd
    Westlake, OH 44145
    (440) 835-8000
  • 4220 Interchange Corporate Ctr rd
    Warrensville Heights, OH 44128
    (216) 910-3800
  • 6780 Mayfield rd
    Mayfield Heights, OH 44124
    (440) 449-4500
  • 6801 Mayfield rd, Suite 250
    Mayfield Hts, OH 44124
    (440) 312-4565
  • 6803 Mayfield rd, Suite 200
    Mayfield Hts, OH 44124
    (440) 312-7246
  • 6990 Engle rd
    Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
    (440) 202-4200

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