Dr. Mark G Loomus Dr. Mark G Loomus

neurology, Internal Medicine. Male

Dr. Mark G Loomus is an neurology specialist in Maumee, Ohio (OH). He graduated from Wayne State University School Of Medicine in 1984 and specializes in neurology, internal medicine.

Promedica Central Physicians Llc
650 Beaver Creek Cir, Suite 130
Maumee, OH 43537

General Information

Board certificationNeurology
Internal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1984
School : Wayne State University School Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsPromedica Central Physicians Llc
Hospital AffiliationsPromedica Toledo Hospital
St Luke's Hospital
Bay Park Community Hospital
Flower Hospital
Memorial Hospital


  • 5901 Monclova rd
    Maumee, OH 43537
    (419) 891-5900
  • 650 Beaver Creek Cir, Suite 130
    Maumee, OH 43537
    (419) 891-6262

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