Dr. Mark A Hughes Dr. Mark A Hughes

physician assistant. Male

Dr. Mark A Hughes is an physician assistant specialist in Hudson, Ohio (OH). He specializes in Physician Assistant.

The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
82 W Streetsboro st
Hudson, OH 44236

General Information

Board certificationPhysician Assistant
EducationGraduated : 1997
School : Other
Group AffiliationsThe Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Hospital AffiliationsCleveland Clinic
Wooster Community Hospital


  • 10685 Carnegie Ave, Suite X20
    Cleveland, OH 44195
    (216) 444-3475
  • 1740 Cleveland rd
    Wooster, OH 44691
    (330) 287-4500
  • 1761 Beall Ave
    Wooster, OH 44691
  • 29800 Bainbridge rd
    Solon, OH 44139
    (440) 519-6800
  • 3574 Ctr rd
    Brunswick, OH 44212
    (330) 225-8886
  • 3593 S Arlington rd, Suite D
    Akron, OH 44312
    (330) 344-5570
  • 82 W Streetsboro st
    Hudson, OH 44236
    (330) 344-7650
  • 857 Graham rd
    Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221
  • 9500 Euclid Ave
    Cleveland, OH 44195

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