Dr. Jennifer M Ogorzolka Dr. Jennifer M Ogorzolka

physician assistant. Female

Dr. Jennifer M Ogorzolka is an physician assistant specialist in Hudson, Ohio (OH). She specializes in Physician Assistant.

Summa Physicians Inc
5655 Hudson dr
Hudson, OH 44236

General Information

Board certificationPhysician Assistant
EducationGraduated : 2008
School : Other
Group AffiliationsSumma Physicians Inc
Hospital AffiliationsSumma Health System


  • 1 Park W Blvd
    Akron, OH 44320
  • 155 5th St ne
    Barberton, OH 44203
  • 195 Wadsworth rd
    Wadsworth, OH 44281
  • 195 Wadsworth rd, Suite 301
    Wadsworth, OH 44281
    (330) 753-1001
  • 3838 Massillon rd, Suite 350
    Uniontown, OH 44685
    (330) 899-0650
  • 525 E Market st
    Akron, OH 44304
  • 5655 Hudson dr
    Hudson, OH 44236

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