Dr. Augustus Eduafo Dr. Augustus  Eduafo

nephrology. Male

Dr. Augustus Eduafo is an nephrology specialist in Dayton, Ohio (OH). He specializes in Nephrology.

Renal Physicians Inc
1427 Business Ctr ct
Dayton, OH 45410

General Information

Board certificationNephrology
EducationGraduated : 1986
School : Other
Group AffiliationsRenal Physicians Inc
Hospital AffiliationsMiami Valley Hospital
Wayne Healthcare
Grandview And Southview Hospitals
Kettering Medical Center
Upper Valley Medical Center


  • 1 Elizabeth pl, Suite 190
    Dayton, OH 45417
    (937) 222-3118
  • 1427 Business Ctr ct
    Dayton, OH 45410
    (937) 254-0161
  • 2350 Miami Valley dr, Suite 420
    Centerville, OH 45459
    (937) 222-3118
  • 3006 N County rd, 25a Suite 102
    Troy, OH 45373
    (937) 222-3118
  • 455 Turner rd
    Dayton, OH 45415
    (937) 496-5162

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