Dr. John Paul Schwegmann, DO Dr. John Paul Schwegmann, DO

orthopedic surgery. Male

Dr. John Paul Schwegmann, DO is an orthopedic surgery specialist in Cincinnati, Ohio (OH). He graduated from Ohio University Of Osteo Medicine in 1990 and specializes in orthopedic surgery.

Trihealth G Llc
375 Dixmyth Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45220

General Information

Board certificationOrthopedic Surgery
EducationGraduated : 1990
School : Ohio University Of Osteo Medicine
Group AffiliationsTrihealth G Llc
Hospital AffiliationsGood Samaritan Hospital
Bethesda North


  • 375 Dixmyth Ave
    Cincinnati, OH 45220
    (513) 853-4684
  • 375 Dixmyth Ave C
    Cincinnati, OH 45220
    (513) 853-4685
  • 379 Dixmyth Ave
    Cincinnati, OH 45220
    (513) 246-7000
  • 9070 Winton rd
    Cincinnati, OH 45231
    (513) 246-7000

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