Dr. Domenic Bermudez Dr. Domenic  Bermudez

physician assistant. Male

Dr. Domenic Bermudez is an physician assistant specialist in Cincinnati, Ohio (OH). He specializes in Physician Assistant.

General Information

Board certificationPhysician Assistant
EducationGraduated : 2017
School : Other
Group AffiliationsMercy Health Physicians Cincinnati Llc
Hospital AffiliationsAkron General Medical Center
Springfield Regional Medical Center


  • 1 Akron General Ave
    Akron, OH 44307
  • 1 Akron General Ave, 5th
    Akron, OH 44307
    (330) 344-6015
  • 100 Medical Ctr dr
    Springfield, OH 45504
    (937) 328-8788
  • 2253 Olympic st
    Springfield, OH 45503
  • 2446 Kipling Ave
    Cincinnati, OH 45239
    (513) 583-8500

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