Dr. Bradley T Clifford Dr. Bradley T Clifford

hematology/oncology. Male

Dr. Bradley T Clifford is an hematology/oncology specialist in Akron, Ohio (OH). He specializes in Hematology/oncology.

Summa Physicians Inc
161 N Forge st, Suite 198
Akron, OH 44304

General Information

Board certificationHematology/oncology
EducationGraduated : 2006
School : Other
Group AffiliationsSumma Physicians Inc
Hospital AffiliationsSumma Health System


  • 155 5th St ne
    Barberton, OH 44203
    (330) 753-3583
  • 161 N Forge st, Suite 198
    Akron, OH 44304
    (330) 376-1043

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