Dr. Douglas P Zmolek, MD Dr. Douglas P Zmolek, MD

internal medicine, Hospitalist. Male

Dr. Douglas P Zmolek, MD is an internal medicine specialist in Syracuse, New York (NY). He graduated from University Of Wisconsin Medical School in 1985 and specializes in internal medicine, hospitalist.

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1985
School : University Of Wisconsin Medical School
Group AffiliationsCrouse Medical Practice Pllc
Hospital AffiliationsCrouse Hospital
University Hospital S U N Y Health Science Center


  • 4500 Pewter ln, Suite 1
    Manlius, NY 13104
    (315) 682-6600
  • 5000 Brittonfield Pkwy, A100
    East Syracuse, NY 13057
    (315) 449-3800
  • 736 Irving Ave
    Syracuse, NY 13210
    (315) 470-7111

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