Dr. Ranjan K Dasgupta, MD Dr. Ranjan K Dasgupta, MD

obstetrics/gynecology. Male

Dr. Ranjan K Dasgupta, MD is an obstetrics/gynecology specialist in Rye, New York (NY). He specializes in Obstetrics/gynecology.

General Information

Board certificationObstetrics/gynecology
EducationGraduated : 1981
School : Other
Group AffiliationsWestchester Medical Group pc
Hospital AffiliationsWhite Plains Hospital Center
Greenwich Hospital Association -


  • 1 Theall rd
    Rye, NY 10580
    (914) 848-8888
  • 5 Perryridge rd
    Greenwich, CT 06830
    (203) 863-3000

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