Dr. Theodore M Perlman, MD Dr. Theodore M Perlman, MD

gastroenterology, Internal Medicine. Male

Dr. Theodore M Perlman, MD is an gastroenterology specialist in Lake Success, New York (NY). He specializes in Gastroenterology.

Prohealth Care Associates Llp
2800 Marcus Ave
Lake Success, NY 11042

General Information

Board certificationGastroenterology
Internal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 2000
School : Other
Group AffiliationsProhealth Care Associates Llp
Hospital AffiliationsChsli St Joseph Hospital
Plainview Hospital


  • 2800 Marcus Ave
    Lake Success, NY 11042
    (516) 622-6000
  • 850 Hicksville rd, Suite 100
    Seaford, NY 11783
    (616) 796-9000
  • 994 W Jericho Tpke
    Smithtown, NY 11787
    (631) 543-7770
  • 994 W Jericho Tpke, Suite 103
    Smithtown, NY 11787
    (631) 864-6647

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