Dr. Thomas F Kandora, MD Dr. Thomas F Kandora, MD

internal medicine. Male

Dr. Thomas F Kandora, MD is an internal medicine specialist in Glens Falls, New York (NY). He graduated from State University Of New York Downstate Medical Center in 1981 and specializes in internal medicine.

Glens Falls Hospital Inc
2 Broad St Plz
Glens Falls, NY 12801

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1981
School : State University Of New York Downstate Medical Center
Group AffiliationsGlens Falls Hospital Inc
Hospital AffiliationsGlens Falls Hospital


  • 2 Broad St Plz
    Glens Falls, NY 12801
    (518) 926-1770
  • 2 Broad St Plz, Fl 1
    Glens Falls, NY 12801
    (518) 926-1380
  • 79 N st, Gransville Family Health
    Granville, NY 12832
    (518) 642-0612

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