Dr. Joseph T Barry, MD Dr. Joseph T Barry, MD

internal medicine, Geriatric Medicine. Male

Dr. Joseph T Barry, MD is an internal medicine specialist in Camillus, New York (NY). He graduated from State University Of New York Downstate Medical Center in 1984 and specializes in internal medicine, geriatric medicine.

Preventive Medicine Associates Llc
5415 W Genesee st, Suite 301
Camillus, NY 13031

General Information

Board certificationInternal Medicine
Geriatric Medicine
EducationGraduated : 1984
School : State University Of New York Downstate Medical Center
Group AffiliationsPreventive Medicine Associates Llc
Hospital AffiliationsUniversity Hospital S U N Y Health Science Center


  • 5415 W Genesee st, Suite 301
    Camillus, NY 13031
    (315) 487-8109

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