Dr. Teresa L Danforth Dr. Teresa L Danforth

urology. Female

Dr. Teresa L Danforth is an urology specialist in Buffalo, New York (NY). She graduated from State University Of New York At Buffalo School Of Medicine in 2007 and specializes in urology.

University Urology Inc
100 High st, Suite c3
Buffalo, NY 14203

General Information

Board certificationUrology
EducationGraduated : 2007
School : State University Of New York At Buffalo School Of Medicine
Group AffiliationsUniversity Urology Inc
Hospital AffiliationsKaleida Health
Sisters Of Charity Hospital
Erie County Medical Center


  • 100 High st
    Buffalo, NY 14203
    (716) 859-5600
  • 100 High st, Suite c3
    Buffalo, NY 14203
    (716) 859-5608
  • 1540 Maple rd
    Williamsville, NY 14221
    (716) 568-3600
  • 4233 Maple rd
    Amherst, NY 14226
    (716) 725-6277
  • 462 Grider st
    Buffalo, NY 14215
  • 462 Grider st
    Buffalo, NY 14215
    (716) 898-3000

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