Dr. Hualei Li Dr. Hualei  Li

radiation oncology. Female

Dr. Hualei Li is an radiation oncology specialist in Avon, New York (NY). She specializes in Radiation Oncology.

General Information

Board certificationRadiation Oncology
EducationGraduated : 1999
School : Other
Group AffiliationsHighland Hospital Of Rochester
Hospital AffiliationsNicholas H Noyes Memorial Hospital
Highland Hospital
Strong Memorial Hospital
Jones Memorial Hospital


  • 1000 S Ave
    Rochester, NY 14620
    (585) 341-6779
  • 1000 S Ave, Suite 116
    Rochester, NY 14620
    (585) 341-6732
  • 111 Clara Barton st
    Dansville, NY 14437
    (585) 335-6001
  • 470 Collins st
    Avon, NY 14414
    (585) 226-2640
  • 601 Elmood Ave
    Rochester, NY 14642
    (585) 341-6774

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